I want to say sorry for possible wrong use of SO terms, and this could be the reason why I can't find this question on meta - I'm not sure how to properly call the things I want to ask about.
For the last year I've been participating on SO only in scala tag. I'm not interested in others, because I participate in SO mostly for my own education and I am learning scala intensively. So what I did is when I load SO page each day, I clicked on scala in Favourite Tags (or find this tag anywhere else on the page), and just looked through questions, trying to answer some of them.
Recently I started to extend my expertise to playframework, akka and others. So I would like to view all these questions together with scala, and some of the questions that are asked about playframework or akka are not marked with scala, because these frameworks work on other platforms. So what I did is I included all the tags I'm interested in, in Favorite Tags. Unfortunately now my dashboard looks like this:
Most of the questions are not related to the topics I've chosen. In fact, out of 100 questions displayed, I could count only 15 questions related to the topic (questions with yellow background)
I understand that this is probably due to the tags I've set are unpopular and have little questions produced each day. But I still do not want to see all the stuff I am not interested in.
- Can I somehow turn off the option to show unrelated to Favorite Tags questions in the dashboard?
- If (1) is a policy, and I cannot do that, could you fix the ratio of yellow/white questions to be stable in terms of how many yellow questions are present, and not in the popularity of the questions?