If I go to StackOverflow.com, not logged in, I expect to see a "Explore our questions" title and a listing of questions - just like on all (?) other Stack Exchange sites.
Instead, what I see is a long page about Stack Exchange Inc. and their products.
Of course I don't mind that they plug their products to some extent, but - a person visiting the home page will not think they've reached a software Q&A site, but the company homepage. This is not good.
I realize SE inc. people don't listen to us much - especially myself as a vocal critic - but I still thought I should point this out.
Also, the "We <3 Developers" slogan on there creates some false expectations. Maybe SE inc. love developers (I'd argue that their recent actions and social media activity suggests otherwise), but we love (= the site promotes and showcases) answers and questions, not developers. It's much more meritocratic than supportive/nurturing. Whether that's good or bad is a different discussion, but it's still a cognitive dissonance.